Wednesday, February 27, 2013

          Feng Shui for Abundance

    Abundance area in your home is the far left corner of your home from you standing at your front door!!

This area needs the color purple..or red....purple is best. Because it is about abundnace you will need to also have something in that area to signify this...
    You then need to look outside..what is in that area..are there lovely green or purple or red plants or is there a garbage can sitting you can see both in and out  need to be balanced.
     You need to think in your minds eye of your home or business in a square box shape..then along the back of your home if the right side is out farther say and the left side has a patio or porch or just empty will have to go all the way out to the true corner which matches the furtiest part of the back of the house jutting out.
      Lots of L shaped houses out if you do have missing room areas..a great thing is flowers,  a plant or a solar light..this will get the universe there fast!!
      When you put your item in the abundance area..say a " I am open for all abundance and properity to come to me now" or what ever you want to say that suits you!

      We will do a area in your home or business each day!
       Please join in the conversation if you don't understand and ask questions!

Love and Light and Happy Feng Shui


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Look at the first letter of your first name!


A.....Nervous, mental strain...heart and blood.

B.....Digestive tract, bowels, spleen, central nervous system. surgery.

G.....Emotional upsets, lumbar area, skin, kidney and bladder, jaundice, Diabetes, colds and sinus infections.

D.....Kidney, bladder and gallbladder-can get hot infections which can attack heart, throat, and back.

E.....Moderate in food or drink, liver problems and STD's.. heart.

Y-W-V....Emotional problems, 
kidney and eyes.

Z.....Emotion, hips, thighs, liver, blood, danger of accidents through travel, sports or animals, high blood pressure.

H.....Colds, chills, asthma, digestive problems, bones and joints, knees and skin.

TH... Blood, heart, rules legs and ankles, colds and chills, accidents or falls, afflictions of the ears. ( this is any name that begins with the TH.)

I-J-Y..Nervous system, loss of sleep, digestive problems, unexplained risks, shock and accidents.

C-K....Peculiar, ailments from the psyche, emotion. food poisoning, have to be extremely careful with drugs of all kinds, DO NOT oversmoke.
Can have imagined illness's.

L..... Colds and a long life usually. Liver and feet should be watched, diet very important.

M.....Strong physical body type...fevers and flus and infections in the head and face. Accidents, some insomnia due to mental or physical strain.

N.....Stoutness in middle age..good physical endurance, hearty appetite,, system may clog with to much fat in the diet., this also rules the throat, neck, and ears.. eustation tubes, toncils, upper esphogus, vocal cords and cerebellum and base of the brain and eyes.

X.....Colds and chills, malnutition, Falls and broken bones, rheumatism and can have long life.

O.....Strong and muscular body, fevers while traveling, cuts and wounds around the head and face. Be careful of machinery or knives, instruments, can take risks leading to accidents.

F-P...Over activity either mentally or physically.. rules arms and shoulders, hands and lungs, breath and blood, clavicle and ribs, carpal and metacarpal, and humerous and radias bones. Bronchitis, asthma, pluresy, or other lung troubles. Nervous disorders, Problems with menopause can be severe.

Q.....General good health, rules the spine and the heart, fevers over excitment can tax the heart, Chiropractic care is helpful.

R.....Good health, rules stomach and abdomen, breasts and womb. Longevity.

S.....Good health, blood and heart- some infections, after age 65 no risks should be taken.

T.....depends on the season you were born in.
A Spring.. Physical and mental restlessness.
B Summer..Vitality is good, explosive temper.
C Autumn..If happy, health will be good.
D Winter..Guard against cold and chills, stay warm.
Health should get better for all the seasons as you age!

This is about 80% right for most folks!

Love and LIght 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Panic Attacks and Agoraphobia

This is a very informative article..I have experienced some panic attacks in my life and as I talk to folks..more and more have also or have agoraphobia.   Love and Light   Lhynn

Agoraphobia and Panic Attacks
copyright 2003
Claudia McNeely

I suffered from agoraphobia and panic attacks for many years. I was unable to drive, standing in line at stores was usually more than I could take, eating out was a horror because I was afraid of choking, and eventually I could not even go to my mailbox.
With no warning, my heart would start racing; my hands would feel as if they did not belong to me, I would feel like I had risen up above my body, I would be terrified.
Agoraphobia and Panic Attacks seem to build on themselves. First I had anxiety attacks when driving, then just getting into a car, then I had to stop driving all together, then I couldn't stand in line at the grocery store, until years later, I was almost totally homebound. The anxiety feeds on itself. The more anxious you get, the more you panic, which makes you more anxious, which makes you panic more, and on and on.
Anxiety, Panic Disorders and Agoraphobia can be cured. I want you to understand that before we go any further. You can take control of your panic attacks. You can take control of your life again.
It is not an easy path to recovery. I spent many years programming the fear into my consciousness. Changing this programming takes time and effort. But if you stick with it, your life will change forever.
The first thing to  learn is that a panic attack is not going to kill you. I know this is a hard concept to get when you are in the middle of a panic attack, but this is a very important step to healing. You will not die from a panic attack. If you can make yourself remember this when you have a panic attack, it will help.
Let's start with a little exercise. What is the worst thing that can happen when you have a panic attack? Write your answers down. Just understanding that it can't kill you, empowers you and gives you control over the panic attack.
The next time you have a panic attack, pay close attention to what you are feeling. Truly experience each and every emotion and sensation. And remember to BREATHE through the attack. When we become stressed, we have a tendency to stop breathing or take very shallow breaths. This makes the attack worse. So, remember to breathe deeply and slowly at all times.
Let's assume you are experiencing a panic attack. Your heart begins to pound, so you remember to breathe slowly as you focus on each beat of your heart. Count them if you want. Pay attention to your heart and what it is doing. Next you become light headed and feel as if you are not in your body. Again, remember to breathe and notice what this feels like and the emotions it brings for you. After a bit, you notice the symptoms stopping and all the sensations and emotions that go with that. You feel relieved that you have survived another attack. By paying such close attention to your panic attacks, you take some of the power away from the panic attack.
Another helpful exercise is to do affirmations. Always start your affirmations with ‘I am.' In the Bible, God's name is given as ‘I Am'. By starting your affirmations with ‘I am' you are gathering strength from the spark of God that is within you. If you start an affirmation with ‘I will be' you are putting it into the future tense and it will always be something that is just out of reach. You can make a tape to listen to if you choose. ‘I am strong.' ‘I am in control.' ‘I am safe.' ‘I am protected.' ‘I am calm.' Whatever is important for you.
Meditation and self-hypnosis tapes are also helpful. Use anything that helps you to relax. Soothing music, nature sounds, waterfalls, etc. I highly recommend carrying or wearing hematite. Hematite is a shiny gray stone that is wonderful for absorbing stress and grief. Hematite has helped me through many hard times. Black Tourmaline is another stone that is good for removing stress, as is Smokey Quartz. Let the crystal kingdom assist you through the stress. Lavender, chamomile and ylang ylang are calming scents that can be used.
I also highly recommend the Feelings Prayer' from the book ‘Feelings Buried Alive Never Die'. It is one of the most powerful self-healing techniques I have seen. It will help you to release the emotions connected to your panic attacks. Once you release the emotions causing the attacks, there will be no other reason to experience them. Releasing these emotions will be much like peeling an onion. You will work through layers and layers of emotions on your way to healing.
When we have physical symptoms such as panic attacks, agoraphobia or pain, it is our brain's way of protecting us from feeling emotions. Try having a talk with your brain. Tell it that you appreciate its attempt to protect you, but that you would prefer to feel the emotions. Then, be open to actually feeling the emotions and dealing with them in a positive way. Do this at the first sign of pain or panic attack.
Reiki, Counseling, Spiritual Healing and many other alternative treatments can assist in overcoming panic attacks and agoraphobia. Antidepressants and tranquilizers can also help. Sometimes we need allopathic ‘crutches' as we heal. There is and should be no crime in that.
Most of all be kind to yourself. Love yourself in all of your aspects. Treat yourself with love and respect. Allow yourself the time to heal, just as you allowed yourself the time to become dis-eased. Treat yourself with kindness and gentleness. You can get control of your life back.

Claudia McNeely - - is a gifted and caring Psychic/Healer. With the assistance of Angels, Guides and Master Healers, she will tell you exactly what she sees and feels instead of what you want to hear. Her Clairvoyant Psychic Readings are very accurate and insightful. She can help you to understand where you are, where you want to be and how to get there.

Friday, February 15, 2013

    Beautiful Angel photos! Ask your angels to come in and help you with any problem you have..they love to help but because you have freewill..they wait for you to ask then in.
    Talk with them everyday!

Love and Light

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Herbs for Animals

                                                                    HERBS FOR ANIMALS

    Herbs for you and your always need to adjust for different weight on animals..and do your own research on a specific herb ..make sure it is right for you or your animal!

NeemAzadirachta indica, is an extract of the Neem tree. It repairs burns and soothes dry, irritated skin. Neem is absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream, and makes your dog naturally revolting to mosquitoes and fleas – which is of course our main concern. If they never get bitten, there is a less chance of parasites entering their bloodstream.

YarrowAchillea millefolium helps stop bleeding. Always administer first aid by first flushing the wound then take care of it with yarrow. Yarrow speeds healing and is a first-rate addition to your first-aid kit.

Arnica Arnica Montana, also known a Leopard's Bane, has long been esteemed for its astounding bruise-healing properties. Arnica not only eases the pain but promotes healing. Slip up to three pellets inside your dog’s lower lip…it begins healing as soon as the pellet makes contacts with your pet’s gums.

Valerian Valeriana officinalis L. is the best sedative and sleep-inducer out there. I use it every night to get a good night’s sleep. This is great for dogs who are anxious, who need calming down during storms or going to the vet. I find the capsules smell a bit like dirty socks, so hiding it in something more appealing is a great way for them to take it.

Milk Thistle is another great herb for you and your pet. It boosts and protects the liver as well as helping the eyes. One of our babies had liver issues and this was a great help to give him quality of life for a few more years. Used a preventative medicine is even more important before it is too late.

Hawthorn helps to strengthen the heart muscle and improving circulation. It also helps ward off congestive heart failure in senior dogs as well as building up the hearts of younger dogs who've endured heartworm disease. 

Boswellia helps to decrease swelling and improves mobility in arthritic animals.

Eyebright is used to treat eye infections.

Burdock is cherished for its blood cleansing and cancer-fighting powers. This is particularly helpful for those breeds prone to this disease.