Saturday, December 31, 2011

Angel Card #5

Harmony for 2012
Harmony : Strife, confusion and conflict be gone. A difference of opinion has clouded your thoughts.

If you change your focus and look for the common ground of peace, you can bring harmony into your relationships again.

You know that one of the most powerful ways you can fight for your relationships is to be a peacemaker? Beloved child of God, you are a peace-lover at heart. You are bringing unity into your relationships.

Focus and look for the common ground of peace, you can bring harmony into your relationships again, you become an Earth angel. Remember, God and the angels tells us that blessed are the peacemakers. When we dwell together in unity, we honor God and open the door for His hand of blessing in every area of our lives!

Love and Light

Monday, December 26, 2011

Angel Card #4


This is a very magical Angel that comes to let us know through the energy of synchronicity that we are on track and have the full backing of the Universe behind us! Synchronicity happens because we are being reminded that everything and everyone is connected at a deep level and consciously or unconsciously everything and everyone is working together to bring us the support and guidance we need at this time.

Synchronicity may occur when a person thinks to themselves " I sure would love to do_________! (Fill in the blank) If this something, what ever it may be from learning to play the drums to going on a cruise round the world, is heart and soul felt then the Universe immediately begins to validate this desire as good and obtainable through synchronicity. The person may meet someone that day out of the blue who is a travel agent or is learning how to play the drums and knows of a fabulous teacher. He or she may see a drum kit being unloaded right near their home. Travel brochures may arrive unexpectedly in the post or upon turning on the telly, there is an offer for a fabulous cruise at a fraction of the cost that the person would have expected. All of these things and more are saying to the person "absolutely, you want this or that, you can have it if you just keep your focus on what messages you are being sent and staying excited and upbeat knowing that what you are asking for is in the process of manifesting". By the same token, if our little friend here decides to take a downward swing and start to think " Oh I could never do this, it would take too much time, money, trouble" etc, then again the Universe will send them messages, usually through other people, that how they are thinking now is bringing them even more of what they do not desire. Synchronicity works both ways! Think in positive terms then positive synchronicity is what comes back. Think in downer terms and downer synchronity is what also comes back. The Angel of Synchroncity often works many long hours trying to get this message through our heads! You can easily see this for yourself by watching what you are feeling and thinking during the day and noting what messages come back to you in return. Pay attention though for messages and synchronicity always seem to pop up when you least expect, such a standing in the queue at the supermarket!

This angel works in other ways through "Synch" (for short) as well. For example, lets say you noticed a beautiful vase at a super price and you really want to purchase it but then think well, I already have x number of vases, I don't really need another. You trundle on home, still thinking about that vase and how you wished you had just purchased it and are met at the door by the family cat who is looking rather sheepish (if cats ever do!). Thats when you notice the broken glass on the floor of what used to be one of your x number of vases! This Angel was whispering in your ear "buy the vase, its perfect and just what you DO need right now" knowing all the while that Kitty was in the process of making sure that space would be cleared so the new vase would have a home! The real topper comes when after purchasing the vase, a friend hands you a book on Feng Shui and your realize that your new vase is actually the perfect size, shape and colour to use as a wealth vase! Thats when you start to hear about Feng Shui everywhere you go and what ever you do which leads you to have your own home Feng shuied which leads you to establishing a fabulous new career which leads to meeting the love of your life which leads to........Well you get the idea now I am sure! This is how synchronicity works, when we follow through on it and trust in it we find ourselves being led directly to all the wonderful things that life has to offer far more easily than had we struggled and strained and doubted and feared and wondered if any good would ever come our way at all. Synchronicity is intuitive. It is heartfelt. It makes the hair on the napes of our necks stand up and we shake our heads in awe of the Master Planner of it all that has only our highest good at heart. It is meant through this Angel to tell us over and over again that we can have anything we desire if we are truly desiring of it, we are willing to receive it and to follow along as this Angel brings us synchronicitous after synchronicitous experiences. We can choose to ignore the synchronicity that occurs in our lives saying it is nothing but a coincidence or we can see it for what it really is: A loving message from a loving Universe saying that our desires are good and we are worthy of having them fulfilled.

Synchronicity can help us with problem solving, inspire us creatively, help us find the right words to bring comfort to a friend or loved one. Its primary purpose and that of this Angel is Love. It serves to remind us that we have yet to see the whole picture and that what we are taught "Reality" is, is but a fragment of what we are capable of experiencing.

This Angel has come to you today in response to something you have been desiring and wondering if it is possible for you to have or perhaps you are needing a solution to a problem. Heads up! Pay attention! An alert has been sounded throughout the Universe that a beloved child of Spirit is in need of some validation or support! It is important for you to understand that everything IS working on your behalf, even if it doesn't seem so at the time. For the Angels of Synchronicity and Blessings In Disguise are also to be found and where ever these two can be found you can be sure that only good and light may enter into any situation. Keep a small journal or notebook at hand and jot down what messages you keep seeing on the telly, hear on the radio or near the coffee machine at work. What signs steet signs or billboards jump out at you on your way home from work or to work? Are there animals you keep seeing such as an abundance of dogs or squirrels? Or maybe you just "happen" to notice a new magazine at the newsstand one day that opens up a whole new world of possibilities for you and then you find that suddenly you are meeting people over and over that are interested in those same things and have much to share with you. This Angel will find more ways to bring you the energy of synchroncity than you may think now and along the way once you see how much fun it is to catch and notice these signs you will never want this Angel to leave!

Love and Light

Monday, December 19, 2011

#3 Angel Card

Angel Card
Self Acceptance

Self-Acceptance: You are important and know that you are called to add value to the world around you.

You have rich treasure inside you that people need. You have more in you than you realize, and you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible.

No matter where you are in life today, you have potential to increase, grow, to be strengthened, and to move forward. God created you for His good purpose and you are His masterpiece!

Love and Light

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Angel Card #2


Children are a tremendous blessing to us, but they are also a tremendous responsibility that God has entrusted to us. As parents, we have been entrusted to nurture, train, teach and prepare our children for life.

Are you taking time to invest in your children? And if you don't have any children, how about your nieces and nephews? We all have things that we've learned: skills, talents, life experiences, wisdom. You have a responsibility to transfer what we know to the next generation. When you invest in somebody else, you will continue to live on. Your life can have influence for generations to come if you will take time to invest in people. The only way this is going to happen is if you are taking time to invest in them. If you are not careful, you will substitute activity for attention. Understand, your children need you more than they need another activity.

The best legacy is not what you leave for people. It's what you leave in people. You have a wealth of knowledge that God has entrusted you with. You are not supposed to keep that to yourself. You should be passing that on to somebody else. You have a responsibility to transfer what we know to the next generation. If you need guidance all you need to do is ask, we are always here for you.

Love and Light

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Angel Cards

Each week I will pick a angel card for us all..We can work on it for a week..I will ask Archangel Raphael to help me pull them!

Week 1

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth: Integrate spirituality to a higher degree in your daily live! Enjoy the process!

You are seeking a higher connection a renewed connection with the Divine and you wish you could immerse yourself read, study, learn, or meditate take it all in at once. The exhilaration of moving up to a higher level of consciousness is challenging slow down and enjoy the process.

Trust that the same Power that brought you to your spiritual path will also take care of everything for you.

Love and Light

Sunday, November 27, 2011

DECEMBER What kind of month will you have?

DECEMBER What kind of month will you have?

Add your month and day of birth together to get your Attitude can add this number of yours to the day of the week ..the month or to see what kind of year you will have!!
Reduce it to a single digit unless it comes to a 11 or a 22..they are master numbers.

This birthday is add the month 5 too the 5+6= you can see this person has a master number. You do not reduce this...

1...Character traits: Exceptionally powerful and dominating personality. Individualistic and intensely original and creative. An inspired and inspiring leader and a pioneer. Efficient and determined and good at initiating new projects.

Negative tendencies: Stubborn and contrary. Resenting authority, rarely seeking advice or follow it. Single-minded, wilful, impatient and possibly quick tempered. Obstinately proud and possibly difficult to deal with.

2...Character traits: Good at comforting others, inclined to take up fads. Co-operative and good-natured, symphathetic and understanding, helpful and good at keeping a secret. Gets along well with others but may be shy and timid. Likes detail and settled routine somewhat as long as others are around and may be worried by newness and sudden changes...very good with small details but may be very wishy washy at times!

Negative tendencies: Unambitious, lacks self-confidence, insecure and restless.

3...Character traits: Creative and charming.. Enjoys being the center of attention, tends to show off and loves to be admired, but is quite often more sensitive then the exterior suggests. Has a tendency to expend energies wastefully in too many directions. With a love of pleasure also may be wasteful with money.

Negative tendencies: vain, and superficial.

4...Character traits: Steady and reliable. Practical and sensible, calm. Good at managing and saving money. Courageous and honest and ethical in all that they do. Responsible reliable and extremely dependable, Take alot of respondsibility and have many limitations they impose on self and others..many are great for lists!

Negative tendencies: Slow, plodding. Over cautious, too conservative. Suspicious of innovation and strangers. Quick and violent temper.

5...Character traits: Versatile and resourceful, clever and amusing. Good company, good with words, optimistic. Lively, inquiring and outgoing. Someone who makes friends and money easily. Lives for excitement and sensation. Loves adventure and travel, change and anything new. Hates to be tied down, impatient with rules, laws and conventions...impulsive.. sex appeal is high!

Negative tendencies: Attracted by everything, an opportunist and sensualist. Erratic, irritable, untidy, not punctual. Jack of all trades, master of none - good at many things, but not real good at anything. Boastful, sarcastic, rebellious.

6...Character traits: Equillibrium with others. Enjoys peace between all people. Values comfort and ease and enjoys beautiful things. A negotiator and peace-maker.

Negative tendencies: Gossipy, limited outlook, obstinate and unreasonable. Excessive worrying (especially about family members)

7...Character traits: The Mystic, philosopher. Introspective thoughtful and somewhat aloof. Quiet, intuitive and meditative with a global perspective.

Negative tendencies: Aloof, isolated, solitary. May be secretive, sensitive but not openly and sometimes pessimistic.. sarcastic and may have addiction problems.

8...Character traits: Ambitious for power, status, money, and success. May lead to great success or sudden failure. Busy with world affairs. Interested in the materialization of their dreams and desires (into the physical world). This person may lead a life of constant effort trying to achieve their success in all matters and therefore avoid responsibility in their private lives...karma and atheletics!

Negative tendencies: Demands recognition, selfish, chases material wealth, self-centered, thoughtless.

9...Character traits: A true humanitarian, a strong desire to serve your fellow man. A fighter for social causes for the poor and unfortunate. High mental and spiritual achievement capable of inspired action and of inspiring others. Many interest and sympathies. Generous and compassionate and may be imposed on. Passionate and romantic. High minded and idealistic, and able to fall in and out of love with ease and frequency. A lover of beauty in all things. May have a difficult early life, but will succeed through determination and resourcefulness. Impressionable, intuitive and quite independent.

Negative tendencies: Egotistical and conceited in dealing with individuals. Easily hurt, and not much emotional stability, may be quick-tempered...repressive and can put up walls!

11...Character traits: The vibration of the 11 is essentially the 2 vibration raised to a higher level and with a little more idealism/self-righteousness thrown in: Idealistic, intuitive and visionary. Highly sensitive and emotional. Very determined in completing tasks. Determined and aware of what others think. Intuitive rather than rational and may not be good in business because the clarity of rational thinking is more important in that realm. Good at comforting others, Co-operative and good-natured, symphathetic and understanding, helpful and good at keeping a secret. Gets along well with others. Likes detail and settled routine somewhat as long as others are around...lucid dreaming and in the limelight, fame!!

Negative tendencies: Loving ideals more than fellow men, providing universal remedies without appreciating human needs. May be a dreamer rather than a doer...anxiety or panic attacks..many folks in prison are in a master number vibration as it was to much of a challenge for them!

22...Character traits: The vibration of the 22 is essentially the 4 vibration raised to an extremely high level and pertaining more to the professional world as opposed to the manual labor world of the 4. 22 is a Grand Builder able to accomplish great things on this earth with the help of others. A lover of world peace. Excellent common sense, practicality and organizational abilities. Ambitious and full of ideas. Unconventional in thought and action.

Negative tendencies: Lacks faith in others leading to trying to control people and manipulate them. Could become excessive. May go to extremes.!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Planets and Diseases

Here are the planets and the medical problems that you can deal with!

SUN..Medical Significations: Head, right eye, circulation, heart, general vitality, skeleton, spine.

Diseases: Pitta disorders, constitutional strengths and weaknesses, vitality, heart and circulation, bones, teeth, eyes, skin, headaches, baldness, stomach, inflammations, fevers, head injuries, injuries from quadrupeds.

MOON... Medical Significations:. Face, Blood, lymph, stomach, lungs, left eye, breasts, uterus, ovaries, fertility, nutrition, mucous membranes.

Diseases: Vata disorders for a waning Moon and kapha disorders (for a waxing Moon), mental emotional disorders, epilepsy, dullness, laziness, moodiness, blood and lymphatic system, edema, menstrual and hormonal disorders, sleep disorders, TB, fear of watery animals.

MARS...Medical Significations:. Chest, muscles, blood, stamina, strength, liver, spleen, gall-bladder, bone-marrow, hemoglobin, sex organs, endometrium, uterus, eyebrows.

Diseases: Pitta disorders, acne, ulcers, boils, accidents, injuries, cuts, bleeding, surgeries, burns, miscarriage, abortions, endometriosis, head injuries, liver, gallbladder, bile, blood disorders, sexual diseases, menstrual disorders, dysuria, weapons, hemorrhoids, hemorrhages, smoking and diseases caused by it.

MERCURY...Medical Significations:. Hips, skin, forehead, nervous system, lungs, throat, neck, mouth, tongue, forebrain, speech.

Diseases: Tridoshic imbalances, vata, intelligence, discrimination, reason deficiencies, mental aberrations, skin problems, nervous system, nervous breakdowns, vertigo, speech disorders, tremors, ticks, ears, nose, throat and lung problems, impotence.

JUPITOR...Medical Significations:. Belly, fat, circulation, allergies, brain, liver, spleen, gallbladder, pancreas, ear, nose,

Diseases: Kapha disorders, obesity, liver, gall bladder, spleen, jaundice, diabetes, ear trouble, weight problems, laziness, chronic diseases, nutrition, tumors, swellings.

VENUS...Medical Significations:. Pelvis, face, cheeks, kidneys, reproductive system, hormones, semen, ovum, ovaries, uterus, urinary system

Diseases: Vata and kapha disorders, sexual diseases, kidney and urinary tract problems, hormonal and endocrine disorders, diseases of face, eyes, tear duct, diabetes,

SATURN...Medical Significations:. Thighs, nerves, teeth, chin, colon, rectum, knees, legs, lymphatic system, joints, white blood cells, bones-osteoporosis

Diseases: Vata disturbances, chronic illnesses, arthritis, gout, rheumatism, paralysis, spasms, idiocy, fear, phobia, melancholia, depression, tumors, cancer, diseases to legs, exhaustion, aging, toxemia, constipation, lameness, amputation, deafness, deformity

RAHU..( N. Node).Medical Significations: Hands, nervous system, mouth, lips, ears, extrasensory functions

Diseases: Vata disorders, chronic illness, mental illness, phobias, hysteria, insanity, incurable possession, addiction, obsessive/compulsive and bipolar disorders, poisoning, toxemia, parasites, cancer, psychic disturbances, leprosy, bad dreams, insomnia

Ketu.. (S. NODE)Medical Significations: Legs, hair, extrasensory functions

Diseases: Pitta disorders, mental confusion, accidents, epidemics, eruptive fevers, viral and infectious diseases, catastrophies, parasites, viruses, psychic disturbance, diagnostic confusion, wrong surgery, speech disorders, TB, non-healing wounds, radiation problems

Love and Lighr

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Signs and Disease

You have to have a vedic chart done to see where things are:

Here are the 12 signs and the parts they rule

Here is some free vedic software link so you can see a chart on yourself:

Head, Face, Brain

Neck, Throat, Lips, Ears, Larynx, Cerebellum

Shoulders, Arms, Hands, Lungs, Breath, Oxygenation of Blood

Stomach, Esophagus, Breasts, Chest, Digestive Organs, Ribs, Elbows

Heart, Back, Spine, Wrists, Forearm

Abdomen, Umbilicus, Spleen, Large and Small Intestines, Lower Spine, Fingers

Kidneys, Skin, Lumbar Region

Urinary and Generative Organs. Bladder, Anus, Appendix, Pelvis, Nose

Hips, Thighs, Nerves, Arteries

Knees, Joints, Bones, Teeth, Skin

Legs, Ankles, Circulation of Blood

Feet, toes, Lymphatic System

Note: Each house corresponds to a sign – for example – the first house corresponds to Aries, the second to Taurus, and so on.

Love and Light

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Angels and Guides

Your Angels and Guides are always with you..why not talk to them and ask for there help!

I have always talked to mine and asked for help and any kind of assistance, they have

always been there for me..Just remember to talk to them everyday and thank them when you see the

work they do for you!

There are all kinds of spirits as alot of folks call them, some that tend to all kinds of

different things..healing spirits or angels some for gardening , some that help you be

creative..just ask..they are waiting!!...You can almost feel there


around you..start by checking out the energy of others ..also of plants and trees, animals..and

see what you feel..the words might float up as this persons energy feels very heavy or very

light, whimiscal, or sweet..keep a journal of this to refer back to...also you can work

wonderfully with pets in this way..even your plants love to be talked to or sang music

for be their angel!

A story comes to mind..When I was 18 yrs old I was at Jones Beach in Long Island..I had

never lived near the ocean so didn't know anything about it..I tryed to get out past the waves

and couldn't so a guy said hold my hand and i will get you out there..I held his hand and got

halfway out when a huge wave crashed down on us and broke our grip apart..i got caught in a

riptide and under and down i went ...I fought and fought and then felt very peaceful and not

really seeming to mind the whole event..i began curling up in a fetal position but all of this

was in slow motion..which is one sign of angelic help..until suddenly my thought was.."I am


Suddenly I was thrown out of the ocean like someone shot off a cannon..and with a splat..

I landed on the beach face down..someone ran over and did CPR and I started choking water up


then I realized I am alive..thanks to a angel or spirit presence who threw me back to shore!!

will never forget that day.

Remember slow motion is angelic presence..I had 2 slow motioned things in almost 2 car

accidents..My spirits averted them both..!!

If you have a good spirit or angel story of how they helped you..please send it to me and I will

put it on my blog!!

Love and Light to you all

Saturday, September 24, 2011

September is the 9th month

The 9 has to do with endings of in this month you must not start anything new..stay with what you have til October then you can buy a house or car or clothes..etc.

The 9 ends the summer... Many relationships fade in a 9..for that one must look at there numerology chart to check it out!

To find out which month or months add to a 9 in your personal chart..add your day and month of birth. Mine is November 28th so November is the 11 remembering 11 is a master number , we don't change it but for this purpose we make it a 2..and then my day of birth is the 28th..2+8=10=1. So 2 + 1=3...So the month of Junet is my 9th month .

Love and Light

Monday, August 8, 2011

The 8th month

The month of August is a 8 month.

The 8 stands for financial promise, karma and atheletes.
If this is a birthday number or in your lifepath. Sometimes things just are not easy!
In a first pinnacle it probably has alot to do with abuse...of some kind, physical or emotional. As a ending pinnacle it would be more finacial and you are most likely alone ..maybe living with a spouse but feeling somewhat alone.
Alot of natural catastrophes happen in a 8.
The numbers 8....17....26 are birthdates that are 8's.
8 at times are peculiar numbers and really only deal well with a 4.
Watch to see if any huge earthquakes come up this month or any financial windfalls or pitfalls.
It is best to journal these months to see how you vibe within them.
To get your personal month you would add your own month and day of birth..mine is 11-28-39/3 .. 3+9=12 and 1+2=3.
So I would add 3 to the month of august which is 8 and i am having a 11 month.
The 11 has to do with being a light worker... bringing light to all that you can, it has to do with fame or being in the limelight somehow, lucid dreams, anxiety, or panic attacks..tests and challenges. So not all fun and games. slow moving month as a 11, but great month to meet a soul mate... this is anyone a new friend a child a lover!
So how is your month going and are you a 8?

Love and Light

ps...i broke the top of my finger last night oh my see for me a challenge already!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Arnold and Maria!

Birthdates for Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger

Maria was born November 6, 1955 = 91/10/1

Arnold was born July 30, 1947 = 103/4

Maria's attitude number is 8..which is in vibrational line with the 4 his lifepath of a 4. (attitude # is month and day added)
Arnold's attitude # is a 1 .. which is her lifepath # 1

Other than that I see both can be they will have no problem with aloneness after the split... that is the number 1. They can stand on own two feet very well.

Maria having a 6 is the one making her this is the 6 home and Family.
Arnold was never around much looks like the lifepath of a 4 might give him some OCD stuff going on also. Very picky and has rules, and can be controlling.

What do you see?

Love and Light

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Basic Tarot Card Meanings

The Major Arcana

The Fool Upright: New beginnings, new adventures, new opportunities, unlimited possibilities, pleasure, passion, thoughtlessness, rashness
Reverse: A bad decision, indecision, apathy, hesitation, a faulty choice

The Magician Upright: Originality, creativity, skill, will-power, self confidence, dexterity, sleight of hand
Reverse: Weakness in will, insecurity, delay, no imagination

The High Priestess Upright: Wisdom, knowledge, learning, intuition, purity, virtue, a lack of patience, a teacher
Reverse: Ignorance, lack of understanding, selfishness, shallowness

The Empress Upright: Action, development, accomplishment, mother/sister/wife, evolution
Reverse: Vacillation, inaction, lack on concentration, indecision, anxiety, infidelity

The Emperor Upright: Accomplishment, confidence, wealth, stability, leadership, father/brother/husband, achievement, a capable person
Reverse: Immaturity, indecision, feebleness, petty emotions, lack of strength

The Hierophant Upright: A need to conform, social approval, bonded to the conventions of society
Reverse: Unconventionality, unorthodoxy, an inventor


Upright: Mercy, kindness, forgiveness, compassion, conformity, a sense of historical importance, inspiration

Reverse: Foolish generosity, errors are repeated, impotence, vulnerability, frailty, unorthodoxy

The Lovers Upright: Love, harmony, trust, honor, the beginning of a romance, optimism, a meaningful relationship/affair
Reverse: Unreliability, separation, frustration in love, fickleness, untrustworthy

The Chariot Upright: Perseverance, a journey, a rushed decision, adversity, turmoil, vengeance
Reverse: Unsuccessful, defeat, failure, last minute loss, vanquishment

Strength Upright: Strength, courage, conviction, energy, determination, action, heroism, virility
Reverse: Weakness, pettiness, sickness, tyranny, lack of faith, abuse of power

The Hermit Upright: Counsel, inner strength, prudence, caution, vigilance, patience, withdrawal, annulment, a loner
Reverse: Imprudence, hastiness, rashness, foolish acts, immaturity

The Wheel of Fortune Upright: Destiny, fortune, a special gain, an unusual loss, end of a problem, unexpected events, advancement, progress
Reverse: Failure, bad luck, interruption, outside influences, bad fate, unexpected events

Justice Upright: Harmony, balance, equality, righteousness, virtue, honor, advice, a considerate person
Reverse: Bias, false accusations, intolerance, unfairness, abuse

The Hanged Man Upright: Suspension, change, reversal, boredom, abandonment, sacrifice, readjustment, improvement, rebirth
Reverse: Unwillingness to make an effort, false prophecy, useless sacrifice

Death Upright: Transformation, making way for the new, unexpected change, loss, failure, illness or death, bad luck
Reverse: Stagnation, immobility, slow changes, a narrow escape, cheating death

Temperance Upright: Moderation, temperance, patience, harmony, fusion, good influence, confidence
Reverse: Discord, conflict, disunion, hostility, frustration, impatience

The Devil Upright: Ravage, weird or strange experience, downfall, unexpected failure, controversy, violence, disaster, an ill-tempered person
Reverse: Divorce, release, handicaps are overcome, enlightenment

The Tower Upright: A sudden change, abandonment of past, ending a friendship, unexpected events, disruption, bankruptcy, downfall, loss of money or security
Reverse: Following old ways, a rut, entrapment, caught in a bad situation, imprisonment

The Star Upright: Hope, faith, inspiration, optimism, insight, spiritual love, pleasure, balance
Reverse: Unfulfilled hopes, disappointment, dreams are crushed, bad luck, imbalance

The Moon Upright: Deception, trickery, disillusionment, error, danger, disgrace, double-dealing
Reverse: Deception is discovered before damage can be done, trifling mistakes, taking advantage of someone

The Sun Upright: Satisfaction, accomplishment, success, love, joy, engagement or a happy marriage
Reverse: Unhappiness, loneliness, canceled plans, broken engagement or marriage, a clouded future, a lack of friends


Upright: Awakening, renewal, a well lived life, better health, a quickened mind
Reverse: Fear of death, failure, possible loss, ill health


Upright: Atonement, judgment, the need to forgive, rejuvenation, rebirth, improvement, development, promotion, efforts are rewarded

Reverse: Delay, disappointment, indecision, procrastination, theft, worry

The World Upright: Completion, perfection, recognition, honors, the end result, success, fulfillment, triumph, eternal life
Reverse: Imperfection, lack of vision, disappointment

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama Bin Ladin

Osama Bin Laden born March 10, 1957
Died May 1, 2011

Osama bin Ladin adds to a 51/6..51 being a assination number.

Where were you on Sept 11..9/11?

Where were you today when you heard of Osamas death?

How did you feel about it?

Love and Light

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Royal Wedding

Here we all are waiting to see how this Royal Wedding will be and how the couple itself will get along.!! Here we go

Catherine Elizabeth Middleton = 132/15/6 As we see her name adds to a 6, a home and family vibration.

William Arthur Philip Louis = 131/14/5. hmmm a 5 is not one to be to loyal in the marriage house. These are two very different people here. Lets see about the birthdates.

Kate is Born on Jan. 9, 1982 = 30/3. So her day of birth is a 9, stands for endings, January is a 1 month and added to the day of birth a 9 gives us a 10/1 attitude number. Gives kinda of a aloneness and a pushing away, strong quality to her. Then she has the 3 lifepath where we added the whole date, talky and sounds like he may be in hot water if he uses the wanderlust of the 5!

William is born on June 21, 1982 = 29/11/2. The 21st is the day of birth, so he likes to talk and communicate with both having a 3 they share creative endeavors together and show decent communication! His month and day add to 9, endings. and his lifepath is a 29/11 difficult ..a master number... the 29 also means deception by friends and family, and the 11 is a bit challenging with tests along the way.

The wedding day is April 29, 2011 = 19/1 So looking quite a stands alone kinda day!
The time is 11:00, a 11, a testing number some challenges here
This all added together looks not a marriage made in heaven, nor the day it will occur!

Love and Light

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Numerology of Address's

Meanings of House Numbers

To find your house number..just add the numbers on your home..mine is 1905 so that adds to a 1+9+0+5 = 15/6 - 6

Number 1

This house will encourage individuality, courage, determination, and integrity for those who live there. It is an excellent house for a person who wants to undertake an individualistic creative venture. If you want to follow your own instincts, are independent, and self reliant then this is the house for you.

Number 2

This is a great house to develop your intuition and psychic abilities, and to pay attention to the subtle energies of gardens, art, and music. Sensitivity is heightened here, and the occupants will grow in awareness of the subtle, small aspects of life. A 11 will just intensify this vibration!

Number 3

This is an entertaining/ party house. There is a tendency with the 3 to Play Now and pay later, so a keen eye on finances will be necessary. Remember all that entertaining can add up fast! In addition, spontaneous, impulsive action can be a challenge with the 3 house as well. This home can have beautiful landscapes and interest in interior decorating !!

Number 4

People who live in a 4 house will find it easier to be steady, loyal, well respected, and grounded. This home will cause great responsibility and apply limitations and restrictions on the folks who live here. Lotsa rules to a 4 and you can double it if it is a 22.

Number 5

People who live here will enjoy life through its pleasures ( read this as wine, women,…you know the rest), or through the thrill of being on the leading edge of new trends, owning the latest gadget, or being "in the know" of progressive thinking. This home tends to be chaotic and lots of ...nothing on time and many folks coming and going. Lotsa get togethers!

Number 6

This is the home of the gardener, especially for one who loves to beautify he home and grounds with lots of flowers. Make this a place of beauty and love, for that's the natural vibration of the 6. You will love to cook in this home and become a gourmet of sorts..go for it, a lovely and warm home!

Number 7

If partners are to live together in a 7 house, both should expect lots of aloneness and aloofness. However, pairs of contemplative, introspective souls will do very well here. Great for study and research, if you love your space this is for you, much spirituality will also be felt from this home along with spirits!

Number 8

If you're ready to get the material side of your life in order, move into an 8 house. The 8 is the number of Karma!! This house will encourage organisation, vision, and management of financial matters, and through discipline and vision, you can achieve a position of power while living in an 8 house. Success and financial abundance are possible under this house's vibration. It will often be a place of business activity.

Number 9

This is a home for the compassionate and the tolerant, a great space for the humanitarian. If you have no racial or social prejudices, or have a burning desire to help the world, this is the house for you. The 9 vibration allows you to see the possibilities, to see beyond limitations and oppression. This is a home for the broadminded thinkers. You will find rewards for past efforts in this house. It also can bring about endings or tradegy, the 9 is a difficult vibration to some.

Monday, April 18, 2011

More Numbers and Illness

I would like to first all the years of doing this and all the readings I have numbers attract. Numbers are in the attraction category on three levels..
First level is the numbers # 1 5 7
Second is the numbers # 2 4 8
Third is the numbers # 3 6 9

Now if you can find your number say of just your day of birth, and watch all the people, places and things that you connect with it will amaze you in that same number area.
In the date the three main numbers or core numbers are the month and day added...this is a attitude #. Second is the day of birth. Third is the entire date added up and then reduced to a single number for beginning numbers here.

Here is a date....1-27-1966=32/5 so the numbers we can pick from is the attitude # 10....the day of Birth 27/9....and the life path number of 5.
So you have two numbers there on the same wavelength so that is where i would put you as having this birthdate is in the first level.

My day of Birth is 28/10/1 lets take the word heart...a 7. this number isn't exact but fits in my first level number range. my attitude number is 3 and my life path is 3
So I would place myself more into the third level range 3,6,9 so I would have many folks around me that I got along with in the 3 area..6, and 9 also but exact is perfect!
I would not expect to develop heart disease any time soon.
I do have some Thyroid autoimmune disease and the Thyroid adds to a 6 so right in my number range.
Start adding and see what organs you vibe too or person or your town or state..diseases or colors is endless.
Grab a calculator and get started!!!

Love and Light

Friday, April 15, 2011


Golden rutilated quartz integrates energy at many levels. It heightens the energy of other quartz stones and is an important healing stone.

Love and Light

Illuminates the soul
Cleanses and energizes
Removes barriers to spiritual growth
Filters negative energy

Rose Quartz has a gentle vibration of love for the owner. It gives inner peace and helps in all matters pertaining to love in all its forms. Rose Quartz opens the heart to love. It also helps as a rejuvenator to the skin. It is a lovely stone for a young person. So a wonderful gift idea idea for a teenager!

It is said washing the face in water charged by rose quartz will help fade wrinkles and keep the skin young. Now how lovely a thought is that!!!

Red rutile (rutilated quartz):

Brings new hope
Acts as an anti-depressant
Relief from anxiety, sexual problems related to tension
Helps develop vision for the bigger picture

It is used to aid respiratory difficulties, regeneration of cells, flow of energy throughout the body. It is an excellent balancing stone for a sad or weak heart.

Lapis Lazuli is used with other stones when parts of the body need to be purified and cleansed and should be only used by a healer. Lapis Lazuli has high intensity and can open many of the chakra centers. This must be done only with love in the heart and comprehension in the mind and wisdom in soul.

Monday, April 11, 2011


White Quartz activates the Crown Chakra, and helps to promote clarity of mind. It has an affinity with the Archangel Rafael, and aids in study and concentration. At the same time, this crystal has natural prismatic effects, and can split beams of white light into the seven basic colors of the rainbow, each of which relates to one of the Chakras, simultaneously activating all levels of consciousness.

It aids in helping us to listen to our Higher Selves and our Spirit Guides. It also helps to dispel negativity, both in our environment and in our own personal energy fields.

This crystal also helps to stimulate the healthy function of the pineal and pituitary glands.

Tiger Eye

Enhances psychic abilities. Promotes clarity. Excellent grounding stone. Helps one to be practical. Eliminates depression. Promotes optimism. Balances yin and yang energies. Balances both halves of the brain. Stimulates wealth and helps one to keep it. Has the energies of sunshine and earth.
Eyes. Reproductive system. Night vision. Broken bones. Digestive system. Colon.

Carnelian enhances analytical abilities, perceptiveness and awakens hidden talents and gifts. Carnelian is a stone of creativity and inspiration in all forms of art particularly drama and theater. It awakens curiosity and bolster the courage of shy people. Wear carnelian when you will do public speaking as it gives one courage and eloquence. Carnelian may help one overcome fear and doubt. Some believe that carnelian can be worn for protection especially against those who would read your thoughts or those who would work magick against you. Carnelian can be used to enhance astral vision and to end nightmares. It is also believed to enhance and stimulate sexual activity.

Citrine's golden vibrations work on the Solar Plexus and diaphragm the - Third Chakra. Breath work with Citrine and this Color Energy, expands the inner gateway between what we know intellectually and believ instinctually--- it opens the way to unite the Physical (Yang) Chakras with the Emotional (Yin) Chakras blending the energies and forming harmony within the person.

Citrine brings the "Light" of Enlightenment and causes understanding and discernment of things. It helps us to welcome change and not fear it; to learn from mistakes and not feel ashamed by them. OPening the Solar Plexus allows us to reach out, step out of the box and grow in our way of thinking... Enlightenment...

Love and Light

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Hi All,
This first picture is Aventurine.
As a power stone Aventurine is excellent for attracting abundance & wealth. This is the stone of opportunity. Aventurine is known as the stone of chance or luck.

It is also considered an all purpose healing stone. Another potent stone for relieving stress, anxiety, and emotional discomfort. It helps us to see alternatives and potentials. Good career stone for those in stressful situations at work. Reinforces ones decision making abilities and amplifies leadership qualities. Heals emotional pain, fear and imbalance by dissolving blocks in the heart Chakra.

Aventurine is also excellent for protecting the heart Chakra, acting as a shield against "energy vampires" who like to tap in and use the energy of other people.

Worn anywhere on the body, a turquoise will protect and bless the wearer. It is considered a sacred stone in some cultures, being a gift from the gods.

A String of turquoise beads worn around the neck absorbs all negativity from the body and mind and helps you develop your own natural powers.

You can align your chakras by laying a gemstone on each of the chakra points for 3 to 5 minutes while the gem does its work

Amethyst is a stone of meditation, peace and healing. It offers powerful spiritual protection on the spiritual planes of existence. So if you are doing any type of spiritual work, it's a good idea to incorporate amethyst into your work.

Amethyst is a powerfully psychic stone. It's associated with the crown chakra which helps connect with the spiritual realm. It can helps bridge the gap for those seeking spiritual guidance, healing, protection or wisdom. Program an amethyst crystal and store it with your tarot cards or other divination tool

Rose Quartz is the love stone! Adds positive love energy to relationships. Compassion and forgiveness. Calming, helps clear stored anger, resentment, jealousy, fears. Replaces negativity with harmony. Helps to balance upper four chakras and eases sexual/emotional imbalances. Enhances self-confidence and creativity. Aids kidneys and circulatory system, promotes release of impurities.

Love and Light

Thursday, April 7, 2011


HI All,
Today is April 7, 2011
Today is a universal 7 day..laid back, more alone or needing space.

I love to thought i would give you some of my favorite books!!

This is a excellent book by Alberto Villado, Phd

This is Anatomy of Spirit by Caroline Myss, a book on Chakras, alot more than your general meanings..she is a medical intuitive.

This is a great Chakra book also by Doreen Virtue..She tells how to learn to heal your own.

A few Numerology books I like
The Divine Triangle by Faith Javine
Helping Yourself to Numerology by Helyn Hitchcock

Love and Light

Monday, April 4, 2011


Feng Shui is described as the art and placement of design in the home and office. It is a refined art that teaches you to enhance opportunities and possibilities concerning your well-being. Your well-being includes your health, wealth, fame and reputation, relationships, children and creativity, helpful people, career, knowledge and spirituality, also your past and family. Feng Shui principals state that by altering the layout and orientation of furniture, walls, doors, and openings or clearing unnecessary clutter, you have a greater possibility of changing the energy you attract in these areas or the energy that you exude.

Here are two different BAQUA maps to look at.

Love and Light

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I love this word and each day I always am giving thanks and am grateful for just being on this planet, breathing, having a roof over my head, walking and talking, food on my table.
If you start doing this daily within a few weeks you will have many pleasant gifts of sorts come in for you.
Journaling is a excellent way of doing it, also just saying the affirmations is fine.
A great book on this subject is "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay.

A gratitude journal is a way to consciously call attention to the things for which we are thankful each day. By focusing on gratitude, we become aware of those things and thus create a shift in our thinking to the positive. The following suggestions can help start a gratitude journal and a whole new outlook on life.

1. Choose a blank note book or a Tablet to which you can write daily.

2. Look for things thru your day to which you can be thankful.

3. Write in your journal each night four or five things you have noticed thru your day.

4. Watch and see as the days pass how much more positive you become and your attention flying to things to be grateful for!

Love and Light