Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama Bin Ladin

Osama Bin Laden born March 10, 1957
Died May 1, 2011

Osama bin Ladin adds to a 51/6..51 being a assination number.

Where were you on Sept 11..9/11?

Where were you today when you heard of Osamas death?

How did you feel about it?

Love and Light


  1. 9/11 - I was in bed and just waking up to the news. I thought it was a mistake. I remember taking my son to kindergarten an hour later and for the first time in my life a complete sadness. I could not protect my son. I was powerless. It was the beginning of a deep depression for me.

    Today? I can not rejoice in the death of anyone, even someone as evil as Bin Laden or even Hitler. I just feel sad and troubled at why there is so much anger, so much hate. It is so much easier just to love and accept.

  2. Birdie,

    You have expressed exactly how I feel..thank you!!
    For your own emotional health and well being you have to "Let go Let God" type of thing..!

    Blessings Lhynn
