Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mountain Lion Animal Totem

Cougar has been known by many names: puma, mountain lion, catamount, screamer, panther and more. Cougar is its South American name, and the name Puma comes from the Quechua language of the Incas. Early colonists mistook the cougar for a female lion. The Native Americans jokingly told them all the male lions lived high up in the mountains, and thus came the name Mountain Lion.

The traditional Cherokee belief system holds the number Seven to represent the height of purity and sacredness—the highest and most difficult level of spirituality to attain. It was believed that only Cougar and Owl attained this level (as well as the spruce, pine, cedar, holly and laurel). These two creatures are honored in some versions of the Creation story; they were the only two able to stay awake for the seven nights of Creation. The Creator blessed them both with night vision, and keen eyesight and hearing.

Both creatures also possess characteristics somewhat like humans. The eyes of Owl are large and set directly in front like a person; and can close one independent of the other. Owl also resembles an old man as it walks. Owl is sometimes mistaken for a cat with its feather tufts and silhouette of its head resembling his nocturnal feline brother. The scream of Cougar resembles that of a woman.

It is the second-largest cat in the northern hemisphere, and also one of the fastest and most powerful animals; however it tires quickly. Cougar can leap up to forty feet, and as high as 20 feet. It is a stealthy hunter-predator. When it shows up as a totem it may be time to learn about owning your own power—albeit by trial and error. This testing is what hones your skills and strengthens your inner power. Cougar is a solitary animal, and you may feel alone when going through these tests to prepare you for your ascent to the higher realms of knowledge and spirituality.

When Cougar appears, much of the trial is usually already worked through—the ground work has already been laid out; now it’s time to ascend, to assert your own power and demonstrate what you have learned from the test or trial period. Cougars may be associated with trees, as they climb to higher ground. Trees are naturally archetypal images of knowledge and growth. Cougar scales the heights to higher knowledge and security when other animals cannot. It is grounded in the Earth, but can easily scale into the loftier realms. Wolf may often precede Cougar, guiding and teaching you along the way until you have found your path. He may then hand you over to Cougar so you can now “climb” to a higher position or state.

This would be the time to break out of your shell or the “category” that you might be stuck in, or that others may try to keep caged into. It is your choice to remain as such, or to flex your muscles and reveal your newly found courage, strength and capabilities. There is a choice to be made; but Cougar leaps at any opportunities quickly and with strength. Cougar teaches to be swift and decisive about using personal power; to not hesitate either to defend or to attack—with equal effectiveness.

Those with Cougar Medicine can easily fall under attack, especially by those who are comfortable with the status quo and/or do not wish to see you grow and evolve. There will always be someone in your territory that does not wish to see you come into your own power.

Deer is Cougar’s favorite prey. As deer embodies gentleness, Cougar Medicine reminds that power can be asserted gently. There are times to forcefully affirm your power; however, there are also times when you must be strong enough to be gentle. Cougar teaches this balance of power and mildness; and how to take charge of your life by claiming and owning your own personal power.

The Guardian Partner of Cougar is Bear—another powerful predator. Bear and Cougar do not work together, but tend to tolerate each other as one hunts in day and the other hunts at night. In this way they tend to keep balance, and to stay out of each other’s way. While either owns great personal power, sometimes being tolerant and just walking away demonstrates true strength.

Love and Light

1 comment:

  1. In the past month I have had both bear and cougar to come across my path. I need help figuring out what these these 2 sightings mean for my personal life.
