Sunday, March 11, 2012

Eagle Animal Totem

How to Apply Eagle's Teachings to Your Life

People with eagle medicine need their alone time. This gives them the opportunity to confront their fears and be honest with themselves. Eagle may be showing himself to you to remind you of the necessary time you need in solitude before you are able to take flight.
Because of your great beauty and grace people may see you as a threat. Don't let others intimidation's hold you back from flying like an eagle.
With your great vision you may also be looked upon as a mentor by others whether you actively seek this roll in a traditional sense or not be aware that others look up to you. You have great wisdom to share.
Opportunities are coming to you that will enable you to reach new heights. Be aware they are coming and have the courage to grab them.
Do you feel free to say what you want to say or do what you want to do or are you acting the way you feel others want you to? Release yourself from what others think and do what you need to for your growth and development.
Do you feel like you will never find a partner who understands or respects you or have you met somebody who seems unwilling to commit. Be aware that those with eagle medicine choose mates carefully but when they do its for life. If you give your best and value yourself expecting the best for yourself you will attract a mate who feels the same.
Eagle is a reminder of our connection to spirit. Have you forgotten yours? Spend some time in meditation and nature reconnecting to source.
How to Harness Eagles Energy
Draw Eagles
Read books about eagles
Do something you are afraid of
Eat fish or rabbit
Wear blue the colour of the sky
Meditate on a hill about your highest vision for yourself
Spread your arms and pretend you are flying. Become eagle.
Communication American Eagle, Eagle Totem
An eagles feather is often attached to a talking stick (traditional Native American tool) to enable the person speaking to see the highest truth
Eagle's teach us about honest communication
Eagle with courage your soar
Showing me the heights I am capable of reaching
In balance my connection to the spiritual and physical
I grace the Earth but I am truly free when I fly
Courage you are mine
Myths and Legends
Eagle has been a symbol of divinity among many cultures
In Greece eagle symbolises Zeus
In Native American culture he represents Great Spirit

Love and Light

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