Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pau D' Arco


Pau d'Arco bark has active principles, mainly lapachol, quercetin and other flavonoids. The dried inner bark of Pau d'Arco can be used as a tea which has a taste that is just a little bit harsh, and a color that may remind you of sepia-toned photographs. This herbal tea is used by many during the cold and flu season, and is a remedy for smoker's cough. Another medicinal use of Pau d'Arco is as an expectorant: to promote "coughing up" by the lungs in order to free mucus and contaminants that had been lodged there.

Pau d'Arco tea or tincture concoctions have reportedly had beneficial effects for cancer patients, anywhere from alleviation of chemotherapy symptoms to complete remission of tumors. According to Dr. Daniel Mowrey, who has become somewhat famous in the area of Pau d'Arco supporters, anti-cancer benefits can be had from Lapacho (the active compound), without any side effects being noticed. Taheebo, another name that is used for this tea, has been helpful to many.

Candida Albicans, a fungus which causes yeast infections, has also been treated by the Pau d'Arco herb. Aside from patients dealing with candida problems, those with other issues involving fungi or yeasts -- such as Aspergillus -- may also be helped due to the antifungal nature of lapachol. Moreover, certain bacteria are affected by this compound, so help may also be available for people with issues of that nature, including: Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Helicobacter pylori (common cause of stomach ulcers), Brucella, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and dysentery.

Side Effects

Pau d'Arco might increase the risk of bleeding during as well as after a surgical procedure, and may decrease blood clotting speed. Due to this, do not use this herb for a minimum period of two weeks prior to having surgery. Talk with a doctor for more information, and tell him if you have been taking Pau d'Arco at all, even if it was prior to the two-week period before the scheduled procedure. Additionally, ask him for details about when you can resume taking it after the surgery, if you intend to do so.

Pre-existing conditions:
Pau d'Arco has the potential to raise the risk of bleeding in people who have bleeding disorders. An example of such a condition is hemophilia. If such a condition affects you, talk with your doctor before you begin using Pau d'Arco.

Pau d'Arco, when a person uses it internally, has the potential to strengthen the blood-thinning effects that are seen in certain medications known as anticoagulants. This may lead to significantly high levels of bleeding, as well as other medical issues. Contact a medical professional prior to using this herb and such a medication at the same or nearby time periods. Aspirin, enoxaparin, warfarin, and dalteparin are four such examples, but do not take them as being the only possibilities.

Love and Light

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