Monday, August 8, 2011

The 8th month

The month of August is a 8 month.

The 8 stands for financial promise, karma and atheletes.
If this is a birthday number or in your lifepath. Sometimes things just are not easy!
In a first pinnacle it probably has alot to do with abuse...of some kind, physical or emotional. As a ending pinnacle it would be more finacial and you are most likely alone ..maybe living with a spouse but feeling somewhat alone.
Alot of natural catastrophes happen in a 8.
The numbers 8....17....26 are birthdates that are 8's.
8 at times are peculiar numbers and really only deal well with a 4.
Watch to see if any huge earthquakes come up this month or any financial windfalls or pitfalls.
It is best to journal these months to see how you vibe within them.
To get your personal month you would add your own month and day of birth..mine is 11-28-39/3 .. 3+9=12 and 1+2=3.
So I would add 3 to the month of august which is 8 and i am having a 11 month.
The 11 has to do with being a light worker... bringing light to all that you can, it has to do with fame or being in the limelight somehow, lucid dreams, anxiety, or panic attacks..tests and challenges. So not all fun and games. slow moving month as a 11, but great month to meet a soul mate... this is anyone a new friend a child a lover!
So how is your month going and are you a 8?

Love and Light

ps...i broke the top of my finger last night oh my see for me a challenge already!!

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