Monday, April 30, 2012

Angel Card week of 4/30/12

Allow yourself to receive in your life. Receiving is healing for those that give.
Additional Message: If you are one of those people that find it very difficult to receive when you have always been the one to give, this card is a sign from your Angels to graciously accept what is given to you. Let go of your pride and humble thoughts of being the charitable provider and allow those that require healing by giving an opportunity to practice their humility. It is your gift to them.

        Guardian Angels
We all have at least one Guardian Angel, in many cases we typically have more than one Guardian Angel. They are with us since birth and are here to help and guide us toward our highest good. Guardian Angels will not interfere with our decisions, we have what is called free will, that is out gift and we use it with every decision we make. So why are Guardian Angels here? How can they help you? How do you hear, listen, touch & feel your Guardian Angels? Well there are many different ways to achieve this. The most important advice one can know in contacting your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides is to trust your intuition through feeling your emotions. You inner guidance is your rudder through life and often times when you ask a question you will receive a feeling of emotion. Does it feel wonderful, good and so forth? This is your Guardian Angel and Spirit Guides helping you in making your decision. It is important to realize they are only here to guide us and will never force us to take the actual steps required, that is your choice and your journey to make.

How to ask your Guardian Angels for Help
It is very simple; they are with you always, close your eyes and ask your question. Angels can never be offended or become annoyed with you. No question is so ridiculous they will not answer. And the answer will come. You can invite your Angels into your thoughts on a daily occurrence while you are engaged in mundane things such as driving, cleaning, shopping, and walking, they can hear and answer your questions and desires at any time you wish. So go on and ask your Angels right now, open up your heart and pour out your frustrations, dreams and desires, sit back and listen, feel for the answers as assuredly they will come.

Love and Light


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