Saturday, December 29, 2012

Panic Attacks and Anxiety


         If you are suffering from debilitating fear, rest assured that there are herbs for panic attacks available that can help you. Before trying any kind of medicinal therapy (whether natural or conventional), you should always consult your doctor.
Here are three herbs that you can help you to overcome your panic and get on with your life.
1. Valerian Root: Valerian root is a mild sleep aid. When taken in lower doses, it has a calming effect that makes it helpful for use against panic and other nervous conditions. Valerian can also reduce the symptom of a racing mind, which is a common issue in these attacks.
2. Lemon Balm has mild sedative effect and is helpful in situations of nervous agitation with sleep issues and digestive problems.Lemon balm is helpful for anxiety, restlessness, irritability, and mild depression and can slow down a racing heart that is implicated in panic disorder.
3. Passionflower has a strong calming effect and an anti-spasmodic herb that is good for severe daytime anxiety.This herb is great for middle of the night waking terrors, nightmares, and the onset of sudden anxious feelings. Passionflower seems to act as a central nervous system depressant by giving a calming and anti-anxiety effect. It is specific for anxiety related to insomnia, muscle tension, restlessness, and nervousness.
Many panic attack sufferers spend a lot of time looking for that perfect medication or herb to stop these scary, fear inducing episodes. However, stopping panic disorder permanently will require a specific plan of action to desensitize yourself to the attacks.

I have had these myself..They come from many reasons...Stress.. PTSD..Thyroid..other diseases..They are very scarey. 

Here is a CD on Amazon..there are 2 of them with 5 stars

Anxiety Relief: Relax the Body and Calm the Mind, Manage Fear and Worry, and Cultivate Positive Energy by Martin L. Rossman (Apr 28, 2010) - Abridged

Love and Light Lhynn

Friday, December 21, 2012

Herbs for Chronic and acute Pain

  Herbs for Chronic and Acute Pain

Herbal Allies for Pain Relief
Some of my favorite pain relieving herbal allies include skullcap, cannabis, valerian, turmeric, poppy, willow bark, 

St. John's wort, angelica, motherwort, black cohosh, wild yam, lavender, cayenne, kava kava, and rose. Essential

 oils of pine, lavender, peppermint, cinnamon, rose, clove, frankincense, rosemary, ginger, juniper, bay and birch 

also are traditionally used as pain relievers and are well-documented analgesic agents. Put 10-12 drops of any

 one of these essential oils in one ounce of a carrier oil such as olive or coconut. Shake well and then rub into 

painful, swollen joints to allay pain and inflammation.

If you suffer from chronic pain, try drinking four to six cups of skullcap infusions daily, or take 10-15 drops of 

skullcap tincture four to six times daily. Use skullcap as needed, as often as every few minutes, in acute

 situations. Skullcap quiets the nervous system, and so will be a valuable ally if you suffer from chronic pain. A 

combination of equal parts skullcap, St. John's wort, and oatstraw is particularly effective for calming the nervous 

system, and thus easing pain.
tiAlso you can try is a african herb and does a great job on pain.

Love and Light  Lhynn