Friday, March 29, 2013

Crystals and Stones

      Amazonite - Is a Goddess Stone. It offers us a place of quiet compassion. It encourages us to release self judgment and connect to our own power with joy and confidence. It is an empowering stone and can provide inner fulfillment when we recognize the power we hold within.
Amber - Amber is actually fossilized botanical resin, (mostly tree sap) Amber helps us connect to the Light. It brings us warm, nurturing energy. Amber is very solar connected and can bring a sense of warmth, health and well-being. It carries a vibration of life force and helps us bring more of that energy into all levels or our being. It is a stone for courage and confidence.
Amethyst - A stone of spirituality and intuition. Can assist one in listening to the inner voice. A stone for spiritual protection and purification. Useful for meditation and gaining insight. Can aid in over indulgence and addictions. .
Apache Tears - Apache Tears is a variety of Obsidian. Used for grounding and protection from negative energies. Assists in soothing the emotions associated with grief and loss.
Apophyllite ( clear) is known as an inter-dimensional stone, ideal for tapping into the spiritual vibrations and higher energies. Apophyllite is used to contact the angelic realm, guardian angels, and spirit guides. A useful tool for developing psychic abilities and channeling. Apophyllite can assist in bringing clarity to any situation and offers renewed vision to those that have become discouraged.
Aventurine - Holds a bright optimistic energy. It can assist one attaining desires and manifestations. It is a prosperity stone. A soothing heart chakra stone.
Azeztulite is called the Stone of the Nameless Light. Azeztulite is an energetically unusual and rare type of Quartz, found only in Vermont and North Carolina in the USA. Azeztulites are usually white or colorless and do not form in prismatic points. The name Azeztulite is derived from Azez, the name given for a group-soul angelic entity originally contacted by Naisha Ahsian. The Azez have stated through her that they have re-engineered the stone Azeztulite to carry the currents of the Nameless Light of the Great Central Sun, the spiritual core of the Universe, which they serve. The purpose of the appearance of the Azez at this time and the awakening of the stone Azeztulite is the re-alignment of the vibrational patterns of the human species and the Earth to the higher frequencies embodied in Azeztulite. The Azez have said that Azeztulite is the very physical form of the Azez themselves.
Azeztulite's vibrations are intended to be received on all levels of our being, from the etheric body throughout the physical organs, and into our cellular structure. The reconfiguration of our structure which Azeztulite is destined to facilitate is said to be capable of dissolving the habit patterns of degeneration and disease, as well as awakening higher spiritual awareness. The tingling sensation many people feel after and while holding Azeztulite signifies the reverent response of our physical and etheric bodies to the current of the Nameless Light. The potential of Azeztulite is world awakening. Through it, we have the opportunity to become conduits of the Nameless Light currents, and through our opening the Soul of the World can came into full awareness. (Azeztulite is the trademark of Heaven and Earth LLC and is copyright protected.)
Azurite - Enhances creative ability and removes blockages to self expression. One of the throat chakra stones. It will assist in opening intuition and insight allowing you to hear your inner voice.

Black Onyx - An excellent stone for centering and grounding, as it can help bring one back to their center when thrown off balance by others negative energies or stressful situations. It reminds us to walk in balance.
Black Tourmaline - Is a powerful protection stones as it can both repel and protect against negativity. It acts to protect one from being victimized by the negative energy of another. It can also deflect negative energy turning it back to where it has come from. This stone is wonderful for giving support to any situation in life. When you need to feel supported in your life, choose Black Tourmaline.
Bloodstone- a form of Chalcedony, is known as the “Healing Stone” It acts to purify the body of toxins and disease. Bloodstone increases vitality, endurance and strength. When wearing bloodstone one may find a zest for living. It can help one to maintain faith and trust in the Divine
Blue Apatite - Apatite has a cleansing influence on the auric field, especially in the mental body. It can stimulate the visionary states. It is helpful in dreamwork. It can bring inspiration, revealing a sense of "Aha". It is also know to suppress hunger..
Blue Lace Agate - Offers a soothing gentle energy which allows us to gently express what needs to be expressed. It can provide inspiration so that we know how to express ourselves in appropriate and kind ways. Having difficulty expressing yourself? Let Blue Lace Agate assist you with its peaceful ways as it offers a calm stillness in which to gather your thoughts.|
Blue Opal - Blue Opal, found in the Andean Mountains of Peru, promotes a calm and centered mind. It can facilitate contemplative prayer and meditation by calming the mind of its endless thoughts. Blue Opal can assist one who cannot sleep due to a restless mind, allowing for a more peaceful sleep.
We will Go to Crystals and Stones starting with the letter C and D next post!

Hugs and Healing to all


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