Friday, April 5, 2013

More on Stones and Crystals

      Kyanite - Kyanite forms in blades which is perfect for cutting through negativity and emotional blockages. It opens the throat chakra encouraging self expression and communication. It is one of the stones which never needs cleansing as it does not accumulate negative energy.

Larimar- is sometimes called the stone of the Caribbean because of where it is found and also for its blue color. It is a most soothing and serene stone, able to calm and relax the emotions. It can bring peace and calm to any situation. It supports a state of well being and reminds us that all is well. It is useful for the throat chakra, providing the power of clear communication. Also known as a Goddess Stone. It is useful for hot flashes, as it can bring a cooling, calm feeling.

Lapis Lazuli - A power stone giving the wearer insights into the deeper mysteries of life. It assist in creative endeavors, helping to release creative blocks as it opens consciousness and widens perspectives.
Lepidolite - A most effective stone for calming frayed nerves, helping one to release stress and worry. It can dispel negative thoughts and remove emotional attachments such as resentment and envy. Lepidolite is a stone of spiritual purification and meditation. It can clear blocked energies in any of the chakras and throughout the meridian system. Taking a bath with Lepidolite is a wonderful way to receive its calming and tension releasing properties.
Lithium Quartz - The Quartz amplifies the vibration of the lithium held within. It has a soothing energy and is able to alleviate stress and stress related imbalance. It can calm frayed nerves, allowing one to relax and become centered. Lithium Quartz can support those who use antidepressants and other drugs for mental wellness. The vibration of this stone is one of profound healing, emotional peace, release from tension and awakening of the Higher Self.
Lodestones (Magnetite Crystals) Has magnetic properties as it can attract and repel energy. Useful as magnetic therapy. It can attract that which is desired. It aides telepathy, meditation and visualizations. It is useful in Earth healings as it connects with the polarities of the Earth.

Malachite - Called a stone of transformation as it can assist in changing and transforming situations. Useful for any kind of change in life. It can assist in bringing about changes. It may equalize and balance energy.
Magnetite Crystals (Lodestones) - Has magnetic properties as it can attract and repel energy. Useful as magnetic therapy. It can attract that which is desired. It aides telepathy, meditation and visualizations. It is useful in Earth healings as it connects with the polarities of the Earth.
Moldavite - Is a tektite found in the Czech Republic. It is often called “the stone that fell from the sky”. Moldavite’s vibration is high and intense. It has the ability to accelerate spiritual evolution and can bring about transformations. It can assist one to fully awaken to their highest destiny. Moldavite is a powerful tool for meditation and dreamwork. It activates and clears the entire chakra system.
Moldavite- Out of all the different gemstones I have worked with over the past 20 years, Moldavite is the one that has shown me the most dramatic responses from those who hold it. It is truly a high vibrational gemstone. Some people have to accustom themselves to the energies of Moldavite, gradually wearing the gemstone. Moldavite is a tektite found in the Czech Republic. It is a gemstone for transformation on all levels. It can be seen as a catalyst for shifts in one’s life, physical, emotional, or spiritual. It can open all the chakras allowing for powerful activations. Moldavite is a stone that can help move you forward on your spiritual path to awakening. It is often called “the stone that fell from the sky”. It can assist one to fully awaken to their highest destiny. Moldavite is a powerful tool for meditation and dreamwork. It activates and clears the entire chakra system.
Moonstone - Moonstone is associated with the feminine and is called "The Goddess Stone". It can enhance the intuitive side of the mind. Moonstone has been used to connect with the energy and power of the moon.

Nirvana Quartz ( Ice Quartz)-Recently discovered, Nirvana Quartz is found in the Himalayan mountains at altitudes over 18,000 ft. where glaciers are receding due to global warming. The areas that have melted are now exposing these crystals. Nirvana Quartz has a mission to attune us to the not yet formed potential of what we can be. They be conduits for profound inner illuminations and awakening. Nirvana Quartz can bring the mediator into a deep peace and interior silence, assisting to stop the mental chatter. This stone can assist in achieving one’s destiny.
Nuummite: An ancient stone ( 3 billion years old) is found only in Greenland. It helps one to travel deep to the core of the self. It will help one to release trapped emotions and energies in the subconscious. Nuummite is a stone of personal “magic”. It will help one to understand synchronicities in life. It will show one “ good luck”.

Love and Light

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